Balancing Incentive Payments Program - No Wrong Door Initiative Technical Assistance (Medicaid)

Client: Centers for Medicaid and Medicaid Services (CMS)

Mission Analytics Group, under subcontract to New Editions Consulting, served as the technical assistance contractor for CMS’s Balancing Incentive Program, an Affordable Care Act initiative that provides incentives to states to rebalance Medicaid their long-term services and supports (LTSS) systems toward community-based care. To be eligible for enhanced Federal funding, State Medicaid Agencies in participating states must oversee the implementation of three structural changes: a No Wrong Door/Single Entry Point (NWD/SEP) System for enrollment into community LTSS; a Core Standardized Assessment (CSA) for determining eligibility for community-based LTSS; and conflict-free case management services to develop a service plan, arrange for services and supports, and ensure quality outcomes for the individual. See the website at

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