Alternative Resource Allocation Methodologies for Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs Part A&C – Phase II

Client: HIV/AIDS Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA HAB)

Mission Analytics Group, as a subcontractor to WRMA, Inc., is building upon both the Part A and the Part C Phase I-funded activities that resulted in customized Excel tools developed for HRSA HAB to use in testing different alternatives for funding allocations. In addition, the Part C activities also included development of SAS code to generate the required RSR output for use in the Excel tool. Phase II will build upon these activities to enable HAB to utilize the funding allocation methodologies for future funding. WRMA and Mission will incorporate up to three new factors as well as modify existing factors, including need, geography, and performance, in the Excel tool to further examine the impact that different approaches have on funding allocation. In addition, WRMA and Mission will examine what impact the shift from funded to eligible scope in the Ryan White Services Report (RSR) has on funding allocations for both Part A and Part C.

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