Technical Assistance to the Administration for Community Living

Client: Program Support Center (PSC), Administration for Community Living (ACL)

Mission Analytics Group is working with the Administration of Community Living (ACL) to provide expert technical assistance and guidance to ACL and their partners, and other Aging & Disability Services Network organizations at the state, sub-state, and community levels to enhance the capacity of states and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to secure contracts and other business arrangements with health care providers and various payers. For the most part, assistance and guidance will be provided for the development and implementation of ACL’s business acumen initiatives, including 1) identifying potential roles of state entities in facilitating CBO business acumen development and integration into health care financing and delivery; 2) develop and validate a business acumen maturity model that states and CBOs could use to assess progress in business acumen readiness; 3) identify and support the development of CBOs forming vertical and horizontal networks (e.g., community-integrated networks utilizing a centralized, coordinated model for service provision) to integrate care and achieve efficiencies and geographic reach in working with large health systems and health plans; and 4) a feasibility study to assess business acumen needs and assets of aging and disability organizations, including developmental disability organizations, working together to serve older adults and persons with disabilities.

On this project, Mission is partnering with The Lewin Group, FEI Systems, and Collaborative Consulting. Other partners include the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS), and Applied Self-Direction.

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